Maths is taught daily at Moss Road and we follow the National Curriculum guidance. It is our belief that Maths lessons should be fun and rewarding for all children and strive to make our work in Maths engaging for all learners.
Our curriculum is mapped by the White Rose Maths scheme of work. We focus on a progression from concrete resources, to pictorial representations and finally into the numerical abstract to aid our children’s conceptual understanding. As a result, we are seeing a growth in confidence in all our learners, especially in areas of problem-solving and reasoning.
When teaching maths, we provide opportunities for: individual work, paired work, and group work. Maths ties into many subjects and children are given opportunities to apply and use maths in real contexts across the curriculum.
Our calculation policy has been designed as a document for teachers and parents, to support the teaching of methods in addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and fractions. It gives clear guidance on how the children set out a range of calculations in each year group.
Online Maths Games
At Moss Road we subscribe to Numbots for children in FS2 to Y2, and TimesTables Rockstars for children in Y2. These are both excellent websites which the children can use at home to support their learning.
The children are provided with a login to support their learning at home.