Personal development within the curriculum is a large factor in the work of our successful school.
Alongside the delivery of a rigorous and varied academic education, producing well-rounded individuals is one of the most important aspects of a child’s education.
Within Leger Education Trust, personal development or character education is known as our Aspire Curriculum.
Character education is about important life skills children need to learn for their spiritual, moral, social and cultural (SMSC) development. An important aspect of character education is the development of character traits, such as:
Attitude- taking responsibility, having a positive attitude to learning, believing in better, being confident
Support- respect, consideration, compassion and kindness
Persistence- being determined, patient, dedicated and loyal
Integrity- honesty, good manners and courtesy, showing respect and consideration
Resilience- having strength of character, being adaptable
Effort- striving to be the best they can be, hardworking
This important part of education is all about equipping children with skills that will set them up for successful adult lives.
Clear expectations regarding behaviour, along with the delivery and implementation of character and personal development, help promote good mental wellbeing.
Key features of our Character Education Provision:
1. Clear expectations of behaviour We promote consideration, respect, good manners and courtesy towards other pupils and adults and promote a range of positive character traits among pupils.
2. Our curriculum and teaching develop resilience and confidence Our ambitious and logically sequenced curriculum teaches knowledge and cultural capital which will give them confidence in wider society.
3. Our extracurricular provision Our 2023-2024 extracurricular provision is increasingly wide-ranging and inclusive, offering team and individual opportunities and including a variety of activities so that all pupils can develop existing interests and explore new ones. We celebrate attendance at our extracurricular clubs. Research states that schools who develop character well help drive equity and social mobility for their pupils.
4. Equality Equality is an important component of character education. We comply with the requirements of the Equality Act of 2010 in all aspects of the curriculum including the delivery of character education and co-curricular provision - ensuring all pupils are equally able to access all aspects.
School Parliament
At Moss Road, our School Parliament comprises of eight children from Years 1 & 2 who work together to make our community a place for young children to grow and thrive. Children have regular meetings throughout the year and are involved in a range of activities:
Sporting Opportunities and Events
At Moss Road, we are proud of our links with Leger Sport who prepare the children for a variety of sports competitions across the year. Some of these include: