The Doncaster Agreed RE syllabus is used as the content guide for Religious Education and is based around three key themes: Believing, Expressing and Living. The syllabus is question based and each question creates the overarching idea for each unit of work
The Early Years Framework is followed for our EYFS children, focusing on PSED and Understanding the World. Foundation Stage teach RE through festivals which take place throughout the year, together with a focus on encouraging the children to develop positive attitudes about themselves and their peers.
KS1 RE focuses on Christianity and Islam, but other religions are also introduced.
We have close links with the local church, St Peter’s, with the children visiting the church as part of their RE, and Reverend Franklin delivering special assemblies in school, including our annual Christingle service.
We assess against the end of key stage outcomes within the revised Doncaster RE Syllabus (2019-2024).